Thanks, Ben Bernanke.
The falling dollar continues to frustrate me. So, inflation in Ukraine is INSANE, like 25%, and despite Peace Corps best efforts, our living allowances just aren't keeping up. I went through mine by the 16th of the month, which made me feel guilty because I thought I was spending way to much money and was being irresponsible, but then I thought about it, and I wasn't buying anything extravagent. I was buying FOOD. That's it. My diet consists of eggs, water, bread, sausage and cheese. I rarely eat anything other than that. Yet, I spent all my money in half the time.
So, I've had to take out several cash advances on my credit card (almost 100 USD so far), and today I went to the ATM for another one, only it was declined. I was in a PANIC, since I literally have no other money...maybe a few Griven in change...and our new allowances aren't due for another 3-4 days. So, I called my bank, and they said that what I was requesting was below the minimum required balance, despite the fact that I had taken that exact amount out two other times in the past week. So, to review--the dollar fell even more over the weekend and gave me a heart attack.
So, I've had to take out several cash advances on my credit card (almost 100 USD so far), and today I went to the ATM for another one, only it was declined. I was in a PANIC, since I literally have no other money...maybe a few Griven in change...and our new allowances aren't due for another 3-4 days. So, I called my bank, and they said that what I was requesting was below the minimum required balance, despite the fact that I had taken that exact amount out two other times in the past week. So, to review--the dollar fell even more over the weekend and gave me a heart attack.